1 Morning MORN Event occurs during the morning. The exact time is unspecified and established by institution convention or patient interpretation. 2 Early Morning MORN.early Event occurs during the early morning. The exact time is unspecified and established by institution convention or patient interpretation. 3 Late Morning MORN.late Event occurs during the late morning. The exact time is unspecified and established by institution convention or patient interpretation. 4 Noon NOON Event occurs around 12:00pm. The exact time is unspecified and established by institution convention or patient interpretation. 5 Afternoon AFT Event occurs during the afternoon. The exact time is unspecified and established by institution convention or patient interpretation. 6 Early Afternoon AFT.early Event occurs during the early afternoon. The exact time is unspecified and established by institution convention or patient interpretation. 7 Late Afternoon AFT.late Event occurs during the late afternoon. The exact time is unspecified and established by institution convention or patient interpretation. 8 Evening EVE Event occurs during the evening. The exact time is unspecified and established by institution convention or patient interpretation. 9 Early Evening EVE.early Event occurs during the early evening. The exact time is unspecified and established by institution convention or patient interpretation. 10 Late Evening EVE.late Event occurs during the late evening. The exact time is unspecified and established by institution convention or patient interpretation. 11 Night NIGHT Event occurs during the night. The exact time is unspecified and established by institution convention or patient interpretation. 12 After Sleep PHS Event occurs [offset] after subject goes to sleep. The exact time is unspecified and established by institution convention or patient interpretation. 13 Before Sleep HS Description: Prior to beginning a regular period of extended sleep (this would exclude naps). Note that this might occur at different times of day depending on a person's regular sleep schedule. 14 Upon Waking WAKE Description: Upon waking up from a regular period of sleep, in order to start regular activities (this would exclude waking up from a nap or temporarily waking up during a period of sleep) Usage Notes: e.g. Take pulse rate on waking in management of thyrotoxicosis. Take BP on waking in management of hypertension Take basal body temperature on waking in establishing date of ovulation 15 With Meal C Description: meal (from lat. ante cibus) 16 With Breakfast CM Description: breakfast (from lat. cibus matutinus) 17 With Lunch CD Description: lunch (from lat. cibus diurnus) 18 With Dinner CV Description: dinner (from lat. cibus vespertinus) 19 Before Meal AC before meal (from lat. ante cibus) 20 Before Breakfast ACM before breakfast (from lat. ante cibus matutinus) 21 Before Lunch ACD before lunch (from lat. ante cibus diurnus) 22 Before Dinner ACV before dinner (from lat. ante cibus vespertinus) 23 After Meal PC after meal (from lat. post cibus) 24 After Breakfast PCM after breakfast (from lat. post cibus matutinus) 25 After Lunch PCD after lunch (from lat. post cibus diurnus) 26 After Dinner PCV after dinner (from lat. post cibus vespertinus)